General, Hebrew Letters

A Decade of Peh


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Here is the booklet I put together of some prophetic insights into what to expect as the decade of peh rolls out. In the months ahead I will be sharing more.

I kind of got fire-hosed by the Holy Spirit over the past few weeks. As we approached the Head of the Hebraic Year 5780 (Sept. 30, 2019) God interrupted my plan and changed everything. I had a hundred page document all set to post the weekend before Rosh Hashanah. Then the Holy Spirit told me to start over and release this in segments. This booklet is the first of those segments. The installments will build on each other. 

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Click Here for the PDF A Decade of Peh 5780-5789

The fire of God is going to increase during this peh season. This fire is going to effect the internal workings of the church. There is a new roll out of the Spirit coming to the church. The work that is going to begin now will progress throughout the peh decade. The body of Christ is going to be experiencing major reconstruction as a new apostolic era gets underway.

The church has already been in a season of shifting and changing. This is going to continue and increase as the fire of the Holy Spirit refines the people of God. True apostolic authority is going to begin to set the ekklesia (church) of God in order. It isn’t going to look exactly like it did in the early church.

The Spirit of the Lord is is expanding and increasing revelation. There is so much to share that it will literally take the next ten years to unpack what the Lord is releasing to the people of God. Everyone has a portion. No one is being overlooked or left out. God is moving and He is sending much needed supplies from heaven to empower the people of God.

May the Lord give us ears to hear His voice and wisdom and counsel to understand His word.

Blessings, Betty